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95 topics
- Spell Retribution
- Spell Scry
- Spell Remove Paralysis
- Spell Translocate
- Spell Heal
- Spell Mist
- Spell Detect Magic
- Spell Magic Arrow
- Spell Arcane Barrage
- Spell Earth Spike
- Spell Acid Arrow
- Spell Portal Mareldja
- Spell Portal Jrel
- Spell Judgement
- Spell Endure Heat
- Spell Endure Cold
- Spell Feather Fall
- Spell Waterbreath
- Spell Flaming Hands
- Spell Detect Invisibility
- Spell Invisible
- Spell Sleep
- Spell Conjur Food
- Spell Frostbite
- Spell Infravision
- Spell Dispel Magic
- Spell Enhance Ability
- Spell Fear
- Spell Cleansing Touch
- Spell Purify
- Spell Divine Intervention
- Spell Heroism
- Spell Waterwalk
- Spell Knock
- Spell Lightning Bolt
- Spell Wizardlock
- Spell Lesser Gate
- Spell Summon Familiar
- Spell Fireshield
- Spell Confusion
- Spell Charm
- Spell Gust Of Wind
- Spell Fireball
- Spell Tempest
- Spell Inferno
- Spell Teleport Mareldja
- Spell Teleport J'rel
- Spell Legend Lore
- Spell Haste
- Spell Second Sight
- Spell Gate
- Spell Deathstrike
- Spell Elemental Strike
- Spell Wellspring
- Spell Winds of Comfort
- Spell Elemental Boon
- Spell Favorable Winds
- Spell Cleansing Flames
- Spell Arctic Wind
- Spell Stoneskin
- Spell Earthen Step
- Spell Soothing Rains
- Spell Spirit Sight
- Spell Thunder Clap
- Spell Misty Veil
- Spell Summon Elemental
- Spell Spiritual Renewal
- Spell Glacial Encasement
- Spell Wildfire
- Magician Spell List
- Necromancer Spell List
- Cleric Spell List
- Shaman Spell List
- Spells
- Sustained Spells
- Spell Potency
- Spell Reanimate
- Spell Empower
- Spell Fade
- Spell Skeletal Grasp
- Spell Haunt
- Spell Phase
- Spell Locate Corpse
- Spell Sentinel
- Spell Life Transfer
- Spell Blight
- Spell Bane of Frailty
- Spell Bane of Clumsiness
- Spell Bane of Ineptitude
- Spell Exhaust
- Spell Guardian
- Spell Reave
- Spell Summon Corpse
- Spell Hone
- Spell Jinx