• Syntax: cast scry <victim>
  • Level: 10
  • Class: Cleric
  • Save: against resilience for no effect
  • Component: Treasure worth 250 obsidian
   By invoking the divine assistance of their deity, clerics can reach
out and see afar. When casting Scry, the cleric's vision is drawn towards
a targeted player, mob or object, revealing their location and their condition.

   When cast on an object, scry will always succeed unless the object is in 
the possession of a living entity. In which case, it will act the same as if
you had targeted that entity.

   Scry can be viewed as a non-aggressive action and not provoke hostility,
but the target may feel a slight chill upon a failed scrying attempt, alerting
them of the cleric's gaze. Be warned - some entities may not view this kindly.
It's a valuable tool for clerics who wish to keep a watchful eye on allies or
gather intelligence on potential threats.

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