• Syntax: cast 'misty veil'
  • Level: 6
  • Class: Shaman
  • Save: No save
Combining the primal forces of wind and water, the shaman can summon a
dense Misty Veil that blankets the surrounding area. This shrouding fog,
while seemingly harmless, hampers the aim of enemies with its elusive
whispers and shifting obscurity.

Those affected by the mist will find their vision distorted, causing a 5%
chance for what would have been successful attacks to miss their mark entirely.
The veil lingers persistently, offering ongoing protection for the shaman
and their allies.

Spell Effect: 5% miss chance for enemies
Duration: 24 MUD hours

For all levels - Unsaved:
Spell Effect: 5% miss chance for enemies
Duration: 24 MUD hours

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