• Syntax: cast 'arctic wind' <victim>
  • Level: 6
  • Class: Shaman
  • Save: against Fortitude for reduced damage and to resist the cold effect
With a commanding call to the frosty realms, the Shaman directs a gust of icy
wind toward their enemy. This Arctic Wind is cold enough to cut through the
warmest of cloaks, dealing significant cold damage.

The chill of this spell goes beyond mere damage, however. Victims who fail to
fortify themselves against it will find themselves in the grip of biting cold.
This effect persists, sapping their warmth as if they were in the coldest of
environments, even if they have magical protection against the cold.

Damage: 3 * level + (willpower / 4) cold damage
Spell Effect: Inflicts target with biting cold, overcoming Endure Cold
Duration: 4 combat rounds

Level 10 - Unsaved - 20 Willpower:
Damage: 30 + 5 cold damage
Spell Effect: Inflicts target with biting cold, overcoming Endure Cold
Duration: 4 combat rounds

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