• Syntax: cast 'cleansing flames' <target>
  • Level: 6
  • Class: Shaman
  • Save: against Reflex for reduced damage
This potent shamanic spell taps into the purifying power of fire. As the Shaman
calls upon the element, the target is surrounded by a soothing flame that cleanses
them of all physical afflictions such as crippling injuries, poisons, blindness,
disease, and deafness.

However, the power of the flames is not solely restorative. The residual fire
remains with the target, and any enemy foolish enough to strike them with a melee
attack in the following two combat rounds will trigger a fiery backlash. This
eruption of flames deals fire damage to the attacker.

Cures: All physical debuffs
Counterattack Damage: Level / 4 d4 fire damage (Reflex save for half damage)
Duration: 2 combat rounds

Level 16 - Unsaved:
Cures: All physical debuffs
Counterattack Damage: 4d4 fire damage
Duration: 2 combat rounds

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