• Syntax: cast 'thunder clap'
  • Level: 10
  • Class: Shaman
  • Save: against Fortitude for reduced effect
Summoning the primal forces of the storm, shamans can generate a resonant
Thunder Clap, causing substantial damage to all foes in the vicinity. The
ferocious boom of the thunder isn't just painful, it's also disorienting.
Creatures failing to resist the spell are left temporarily deafened, their senses
dulled by the shockwave.

Damage: 2 * level / 2 + level
Spell Effect: Deafen, -2 Perception
Duration: 2 MUD hours

Level 10 - Unsaved:
Damage: 25
Spell Effect: Deafen, -2 Perception
Duration: 2 MUD hours

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