Legend tells of a great seabourne beast, the Leviathan. Little is known of its beginnings, just that it was born aeons ago in the time of chaos, when the world was young and there was but one law; Grow - or Die. And grow it did, devouring any unfortunate creature of the primordial seas that happened across its path. Though its growth never ceased the oceans of the world are a vast frontier, and even a creature of its immense size went unnoticed by the gods; a throwback from times none but it were there to remember. Unnoticed that is, until the budding curiosity of the Eldritch races drove them to seek lands other than their own, across the great expanses of water that were the ancient seas. So it was that the Leviathan came to taste its first soul. But the Leviathan was not of the gods, not of their great plan. It was an aberration outside the circle, and so the souls of those first sailors awakened in it a hunger like it had never before known. Soon no prey could satisfy it but one; sentient life. It gorged itself on all it could find, consuming whole coastal communities to satisfy its ravenous hunger. Its victims were transformed into horrible undead mockeries of their former selves, and their consciousness was added to its own. None could stop it, the gods themselves trembled in fear at its sheer enormity. For centuries it feasted, until, when no more dared venture near the sea and the glut was finished, the Leviathan slept. And a long sleep it was, long enough for him to slip from the memory of the world once again. Until one day an unfortunate priest, left adrift by pirates in waters far from home, washed ashore in a strange land. Barely alive, driven mad from thirst and starvation, the priest prayed with all his might to any that were listening. Unfortunately, something was. Something that felt... hungry. A great presence in his mind, huge and old, promised a life of power and glory, if only he could sate its hunger. He knew at that moment he would either be food, or bring food, and he too was hungry. So the Leviathan received its first soul willingly given, and the fool priest began the process of unleashing the devourer into the world of man once more. During its great sleep, the world physically changed around the beast. When the foolhardy priest stumbled across its place of rest, that place was far different than when it had began to slumber. Water levels had dropped, sediment had gathered, and a great mountain had formed around the Serpent. Drowsy and weak from thousands of years of sleep, escape would be impossible without help. The clergyman was a start, but more would be needed. Dark magic twisted the bodies of hapless animals, turning them into freakish nightmares to protect its sleeping form. Promises of wealth and immortality lured any who strayed to close to the beast into its clutches, to be consumed and added to the slowly growing legion of followers. It would be some time before the threat of the Leviathan was again known to the people of Ishar, but for a beast older than memory itself, time was a luxury it had plenty of. -Memoirs of a God gone Mad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Recommended Levels: 17-20 Group Size: 2-5 Though meant for higher levels, this area should not be particularly dangerous to the cautious and well prepared. A magician is required to complete the quest. Players should look past the frontier settlment north of J'rel to find the beast's resting place.
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