The group of merfolk, once a nomadic people, embarked on a search across the vast ocean for resources and a suitable place to call home. Their long and arduous journey led them to discover a massive underwater glacier, which offered potential for supporting their growing population. By building their settlement against the glacier, they gained a natural wall that provided a strong defensive position, making it easier to protect their home from potential threats. They developed an intricate system to harness the intense heat emanating from geothermal vents in the vicinity. This allowed them to refine the production of dark steel, a rare and coveted metal known for its unparalleled strength and durability. With their deep understanding of magic, they were able to craft glacial weapons that could withstand the most extreme underwater conditions. Their expertise also extended to the shaping of slabs of granite into functional pieces of armor. As the merfolk continued to explore and expand their territory, they crossed paths with the tritons, an aquatic race also seeking the same resources. This encounter led to a fierce competition for survival, which escalated into a lengthy and savage war that inflicted scars on both nations. The war between the merfolk and the tritons was known as the War of the Tides, a brutal and unforgiving conflict that raged on for decades beneath the waves. The origins of the war were rooted in the competition for the precious resources found within the ocean depths, particularly the dark steel deposits and the geothermal vents that powered the cities of both races. As tensions escalated, skirmishes along the borders grew more frequent and deadly. The merfolk, renowned for their mastery of the magical arts, employed powerful enchantments and summoned formidable sea creatures to aid them in battle. The tritons, on the other hand, were skilled in the art of combat and had a deep connection to the ocean's primal forces, allowing them to harness the elements and unleash devastating attacks upon their enemies. The War of the Tides saw many great battles, some of which would become legendary among the merfolk and tritons alike. One such battle was the Battle of the Chasms, where both sides clashed in a fierce struggle within the dark chasms of the ocean floor. The tides themselves seemed to be caught in the conflict, as massive whirlpools and treacherous currents wreaked havoc on the combatants. Many warriors from both sides were lost to the depths, their fates forever sealed within the cold embrace of the abyss. Recognizing the futility of their continued conflict, the leaders of the merfolk and the tritons agreed to a ceasefire and eventually signed a peace treaty. This marked the beginning of a new era of cooperation between the two races, as they worked together to rebuild their cities and heal the wounds of war. The memories of the War of the Tides still linger, however, and old rivalries and mistrust continue to simmer beneath the surface. It remains to be seen whether this fragile peace can endure the test of time, or if the ocean will once again bear witness to the wrath of the warring races. The merfolk established the city of Erolos after the war was over, dedicating themselves to constructing a harmonious society. To ensure the city's safety and to ensure habitable conditions, they employed numerous potent magical enchantments, transforming Erolos into a haven for all marine life. The city takes great pride in its mastery of magic, which is clearly reflected in its enchanting architecture and mystical wards. As a highly magical race, merfolk place great importance on the use of runes and glyphs in their arcane practices. Over the years, Erolos has established itself as a beacon of prosperity and commerce, attracting merchants and traders from across the ocean. Its bustling marketplaces offer a wide variety of exotic goods and treasures, contributing to the city's vibrant and flourishing economy. Erolos has also become a popular destination for tourists, drawn to its natural beauty, rich culture, and vibrant marine life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: Recommended Levels: 8-20 Group Size: Varies The trade agreements between Mareldja, Barcas, and J'rel and Erolos have recently expired, leaving traders dissatisfied. The reason for non-renewal remains uncertain, despite the practice being in place for decades. There are rumors that the chief of Erolos, who was responsible for negotiating the trade contracts, has gone missing in action. However, there is no proof of this, and the council of merlords in Erolos has been tight-lipped about the matter. Rumors are swirling within the ocean depths that the merfolk of Erolos are harboring a dark and dangerous secret from the world. This secret is so threatening that it could potentially cause the collapse of their entire civilization. Few have the courage to explore further, as the dangers lurking within are unfathomable. Only the bravest of adventurers would even consider such a perilous investigation.
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