Stay and hear the tale of the origin of the Orcs, the cruel cousins of
goblins, and their endless war that drew even the Elves into the fray.

   The story of the Daelon and the birth of goblins, gnomes, and hobbits
is a long and arduous tale of adventure and misfortune, which I will not
recount now. Suffice it to say that while all three races share a kinship,
the hobbits and gnomes coexist peacefully, while the goblins are bitter
enemies. Finding no rest or safety in the forest, the goblins searched
long for a new home.

   After wandering for some time, the goblins stumbled upon the great
pinewoods that covered the foothills of the northern mountains and
stretched westward almost to the sea. The woods felt almost familiar to
them, especially further southwest where the pines gave way to great
redwoods and oaks, and they halted their wanderings. However, it wasn't
long before the malicious nature they inherited from their forefather
Urgurr began to manifest, and the goblins turned on each other, fracturing
into clans.

   One clan saw the mountains and desired their strength. They venerated
the great winged eagles that made their eyries high in the peaks and
worshipped the ferocious cold and terrific storms, seeking to harness
their power. They made their stronghold upon the cliffs that overshadowed
the great forest and, over time, adapted. Thick brown fur grew on them to
withstand the cold, and they grew powerful in both build and magic as they
studied and learned from their new home.

   Another clan retreated deeper into the forest, away from the looming
and hostile mountains and into the more familiar and life-filled country
of the great deciduous trees. There they met and befriended the wolves and
learned from them the arts of stalking and hunting, of working as a pack
to destroy one's foes and grow strong. The orcs of this clan greatly
revered the proud predators and took as their own the mighty Wolf God,
Maugrim. Over the years, they grew somewhat like their adopted brethren;
their limbs lengthened, their bodies grew wiry and lean, and their eyes
turned golden and reflective.

   The last clan was forced to flee far to the west, unable to turn east
to the hostile Elves, Gnomes, and Hobbits, north to the mighty mountain
clan, or south to the vicious forest clan. Eventually, they found a home
at the base of the river Telemacus. They remained much the same as their
ancestors and enter no more into this tale.

   It is the first two clans, the sorcerous goblins of the mountain tribe
and the prowlers of the forests, who remained and still remain to this
day, locked in a ceaseless war. Over the years, they earned a new name:
Orcs. It is thought that this name comes from a perversion of the ancient
name of Urgurr, whom the hobbits of Ingeen still remember and curse.

   Thus ends the telling of the history of the Orc clans. However, it is
a history that is still being written, and I must now speak of the Elvish
migration and what part it plays.

   Most know of the history of the Elves and the great conflict to the
east, and that some Elves fled west to escape it. The main group, who
would eventually found the colony within the forests of Evermore, traveled
west through the very forests of which we have already spoken. As you can
imagine, both Orcish clans were quick to respond with aggression to
intruders upon their land and harried the Elven caravan all throughout the
forest of Jharet. Finally finding refuge in Evermore, the Elves rested and
built their home, but they never forgot the loss of friends and family
along the trail.

   Eventually, the elves of Evermore grew bold and powerful enough to
seek revenge upon the orcs and secure a route through the forest to their
eastern kin. They launched a quick and brutal campaign, and the orcs were
unable to withstand the surprise assault. The elves established a
stronghold on one of the tall foothills near the orcs' territory, but
hostilities soon resumed. After a time of relative peace, the wolf clan
raided the elven stronghold in the cold hours before dawn. The orcs set
fire to the trees, and the billowing smoke disoriented the elves, allowing
the raiders to attack. Only a few elves managed to escape, and the
stronghold was left in ruins.

   Despite the loss of their stronghold, the elves were not deterred.
They continued to send scouting parties and launch small raids in an
attempt to weaken the orcs. In response, the orcs grew ever more vigilant,
and the war between the two races showed no signs of ending.

   For now, the forest of Jharet remains a dangerous and contested land,
where the fates of orc and elf alike are constantly in flux. And while the
stories of the past provide some clues as to the origins of this conflict,
the future remains unwritten. It is up to the brave adventurers who
venture into Jharet to decide what role they will play in the ongoing
struggle between these ancient enemies.

-Paiele, wandering historian


   Recommended Levels: 13-18
   Group Size: 2-5
   Search within the great Jharet Forest if you seek to find the orcs. Be wary,
   however, they have lost none of their malicious nature and the ancient 
   forest has dangers of its own. A wise adventurer would be prepared for all
   situations before seeking a conflict with either clan.

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