challenges [all|start|end]
In the world of Ishar, the bravest heroes may prove their mettle through the ancient ritual of the Challenges. These cyclical quests, overseen by esoteric powers, renew either upon completion of all 15 challenges or a week after the last cycle. Each challenge presents a formidable foe, with specific criteria regarding maximum level and group size. Should you meet these criteria and vanquish your foe, treasures untold await you, including Double XP for the kill and a mysterious orb containing prizes. Complete the entire list of challenges before they expire, and the world will revel in a 1 week global XP bonus, a gift from the unseen forces that guide these trials. - challenges: See the trials fit for your level. - challenges all: Shows all challenges, regardless of level. - challenges start: Marks your group ready for the challenge, gaining the "soul drain" debuff, forfeiting all renown upgrades. Once soul drained, valid challenge mobs will show a red aura. Marking yourself thus will also remove all buffs, excepting "Increased Experience". - challenges end: Forfeit the challenge, removing soul drain. You are unable to end a challenge within 5 minutes of starting. Victory may also bestow a mysterious gift, containing 2 items tied to the level range of your challenge. But be wary; the challenges are not without peril. Those not sharing your trial cannot heal or buff you, and your renown upgrades will be temporarily hidden from your grasp. Embrace the challenges, for in them lies the essence of heroism and the promise of legend. Your valor will not only crown you in glory but uplift the entire land of Ishar for a time.
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- Spell Acid Arrow
- Spell Portal Mareldja
- Spell Portal Jrel
- Spell Judgement
- Spell Endure Heat
- Spell Endure Cold
- Spell Feather Fall
- Spell Waterbreath
- Spell Flaming Hands
- Spell Detect Invisibility
- Spell Invisible
- Spell Sleep
- Spell Conjur Food
- Spell Frostbite
- Spell Infravision
- Spell Dispel Magic
- Spell Enhance Ability
- Spell Fear
- Spell Cleansing Touch
- Spell Purify
- Spell Divine Intervention
- Spell Heroism
- Spell Waterwalk
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- Spell Lightning Bolt
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- Spell Teleport Mareldja
- Spell Teleport J'rel
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- Area White Forest
- Area Port Larceny
- Area Abandoned Coastal Fortress
- Area Dwarven Demesne
- Area Hills North of Mareldja
- Area Brown River Valley
- Area Catacombs
- Area Homestead
- Area Goblin Lair
- Area Sleep Tag Zone
- Area Prairie and Grasslands
- Area Mareldja
- Map West Cadain
- Map Cadain
- Map Mareldja
- Area Palekana
- Area Kulani
- Area Sewers Beneath Mareldja
- Area Palace and Rooftops
- Area City of Erolos
- Area Kingdom of Jolnara
- Area Shadowguard Keep
- Area Torm Sarvek
- Area Talrynian Forest
- Area Village of Ingeen
- Area Temple of Isvaelin
- Area Oldgate
- Area Cemetery
- Area The Fallen Tower
- Area Orcan Clans
- Area Pirates
- Area Cadain
- Area Clicker Mine
- Area Elven Homelands
- Area Tomb Of Grimkell
- Area Fortress of the Sorceror King
- Area Wolfnacht Carnival
- Area Jrel
- Area Belly of the Beast
- Area Teralea
- Area The Red Ziggurat
- Area Port City of Barcas
- Area Zoo at Barcas
- Arena
- Users
- Spell Reanimate
- Spell Empower
- Spell Fade
- Spell Skeletal Grasp
- Spell Haunt
- Spell Phase
- Spell Locate Corpse
- Spell Sentinel
- Spell Life Transfer
- Spell Blight
- Spell Bane of Frailty
- Spell Bane of Clumsiness
- Spell Bane of Ineptitude
- Spell Exhaust
- Spell Guardian
- Spell Reave
- Spell Summon Corpse
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