• Syntax: config [<commands>] [<optional values>]
  • Minimum: config
  • Level: any
   This command is used to configure a user's gameplay settings.  
   Generally, type config followed by an option, and an optional paremeter.
Options are:

        Toggles on and off if your character will automatically level up
      upon reaching 100%. If off, you will need to find a class trainer to
      raise your level - including if you are already a remorted character.

        Auto Loot allows you to configure automatic looting for different item types.
      To toggle it, use "config autoloot". The following item types can be autolooted:

      - GroupSplit    Automatically splits coins with the group.
      - Components    Automatically loots crafting components.
      - AllTomes      Automatically loots all tomes (primers).
      - UnknownTomes  Loots only tomes you haven't learned.
      - Coins         Automatically loots coins.
      - MagicalItems  Automatically loots magical items.
      - MundaneItems  Automatically loots mundane (nonmagical) items.
      - QuestItems    Automatically loots quest items.
      - Keys          Loots items with "key" in their name.
      - Treasure      Automatically loots treasure items.

      Additionally you can use
      - All           to toggle all autoloot options on.
      - None          to toggle all autoloot options off.

      1) AutoLoot Keys will only autoloot items that contain the word "key" in 
         their name (e.g., "Golden Key" but not "bracelet" (which is also a key)).
      2) AutoLoot QuestItems only autoloots items related to active quests and
         excludes "secret" quest items.
      3) In a group, the leader always has priority for looting. If the leader
         has autoloot enabled for a given item type, they will loot first. If
         not, another group member with autoloot enabled will be selected.

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