• Syntax: remember [<none>|<memory>]
  • Minimum: remem|mem
  • Level: any
                         memories [<none>|<memory>]
         account memories [<none>|<memory>]

   Some events on your journey within Ishar have such impact that they
imprint upon your soul, transcending individual incarnations. 

   You may summon memorabilia that harkens back to the event, creating a 
physical manifestation. 

   Some memories are powerful enough that they have a cooldown before they
   may used again. 

   Memories are shared by your soul (account), and even if multiplay is
   enabled, only a single manifestation may exist. If a new one is summoned
   while it is already manifested, the original is reclaimed.

   Memories are tied to the soul that manifests them. If another soul
   attempts to logout with one, it is immediately reclaimed. Similarly, if
   the owner leaves the world, then the memory is lost.

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