• Syntax: cast heal <target>
  • Level: 13
  • Class: Cleric
  • Save: none
   This is the most powerful of the heal spells.  Known to restore those
on the brink of death to near full health.

      Heal: max(0, min(80 + 4d9, Max_Hp - Current_Hp - rand(1, 4)))

      Target - Max HP 100 - Current HP 20

         Heal: max(0, min(80 + 20, 100 - 50 - 2))
               max(0, min(100, 48)) = 48

    amount = MAX_PTS (vict, HITP) - HPTS (vict) - number (1, 4);
    max = 80 + dice (4, 9);
    num = range (0, max, amount);

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