• Syntax: cast 'energy drain' <victim>
  • Level: 11
  • Class: Necromancer
  • Save: against Resilience for no effect
   A necromancer uses this spell to suck away the very life-essence of an enemy.
The spell does do a small amount of damage, but the greater impact is that it
sucks away the spell points and movement points of the victim.  If the caster
is a higher level than that of the victim, the drained points are given
to the caster.  On players, this spell is known to even impact a person's
very soul and past experiences and impart them onto the creature casting
the nefarious spell.  This is by nature an evil spell and has an impact
on alignment.

      Damage: range (1, level)
      Mana Drain - Spell save for no effect: 1/2 current mana
      Move Drain - Spell save for no effect: 1/2 current moves
      - Only if higher level -
      Mana Restore - mana drain / (level - (level victim + 1)) / 2
      Move Restore - move drain / (level - (level victim + 1)) / 2
      Health Restore - damage

      Level 10 - Target Level 8
          - Failed Spell Save - Current spell points 150 - Moves 200 
            Damage: range (1, 10)
            Mana Drain: 75 spell points
            Move Drain: 100 spell points
            Mana Restore: 75 / (10 - (8 + 1)) / 2 = 75 / 1 / 2 = 37
            Move restore: 100 / 1 / 2 = 50
            Health Restore: damage


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